Our Product Ethos
Like an Army Mule, our products are simple, powerful, effective, economical and stubbornly reliable.
We are proud of our products and our service.
In the late 1800 early 1900’s, US Armies would march at the pace of their pack Mules that carried equipment and supplies. Battles were won by flashy cavalries, but wars were won by supply carried on the backs of the transport Mules. Kicking Mule Hemp CBD is stubbornly determined to carry the load of ensuring you have pure, affordable CBD products so you can focus on your wellness journey. Like an Army Mule, we will help keep you supplied for life.
Comparison of Best CBD Value Products between Kicking Mule Hemp and lead competitors (Lazarus Naturals, Tommy Chong, Joy Organics, Charlotte’s Web, and Medterra).
Integrity = Purity & Potency & Reliability
We believe in integrity. Our products with hemp sourced cannabinoids has an integrity code (batch / laboratory number) printed on the bottom of the container. The code allows you to view third-party certified laboratory testing result in the form of “Certificate of Analysis” (COA) that documents the purity of the product. Everything is in plain sight and verifiable.